1) Learning the basics of the local language will help you get around places and make travel so much easier, turning it into a fun and memorable experience. It can be of great help, whether it’s for reading signs or asking directions, it saves you from getting lost in a foreign country. Apart from that, knowing phrases and words in the local language enables you to confidently order food in a restaurant, check into a hotel and better yet negotiate a cheaper price at the market!

2) Knowing the native language is probably the best way to have a richer, more personal experience with the native culture, local customs and traditions. It is the most effective way to communicate with a local person, they’ll surely appreciate the effort you’re putting in to talk to them.

Making friends from a foreign land, isn’t that a pride for a traveller? Having connections with a variety of people that you might never again come across. It`s true excitement.

4) If you travel, you will not only learn about foreign cultures, but about your own as well. You will notice the cultural differences, and will find out what makes your culture unique. After retrurning from a long journey, you will see your country with new eyes.

5) During travelling you will meet people that are very different from you. If you travel enough, you will learn to accept and appreciate these differences. Traveling makes you more open and tolerant.

6) If you travel, you can experience things that you could never experience at home. You may see beautiful places and landscapes that do not exist where you live.

7) Travelling will inevitably make you more independent and confident. You will realise that you can cope with a lot of unexpected situations. You will realise that you can survive without all that help that is always available for you at home.

8) After arriving home from a long journey, a lot of travellers experience that they are much more motivated than they were before they left. During your trip you may learn things that you will want to try at home as well. You may want to test your new skills and knowledge. Your experiences will give you a lot of energy.

9) If you travel, you may learn a lot of useful things. These things can be anything from a new recepie, to a new, more effective solution to an ordinary problem or a new way of creating something.

10) During travelling you may experience the craziest, most exciting things, that will eventually become great stories that you can tell others. When you grow old and look back at your life and all your travel experiences, you will realise how much you have done in your life and your life was not in vain. It can provide you with happiness and satisfaction for the rest of your life.
