Комплексное тестирование для 9-х классов КПКУ, 2-й вариант

1) The grasshopper had nothing to eat and an ant lived near him. He went to ... ant`s house and begged her for ... little corn.
A) a/the; B) the/a; C) an/the; D) the/an; E) the/the
2) ... dinner we had yesterday was ... very tasty one.
A) the/a; B) a/a; C) a/the; D) -/-; E) the/the
3) I am not interested ... football at all, but I`m keen ... sumo wrestling.
A) in/on; B) -/on; C) at/after; D) in/in; E) in/at
4) Grace was the daughter ... the lighthouse keeper and she had lived ... the sea as long as she could remember.
A) of/in; B) of/by; C) from/at; D) by/at; E) of/along
5) Choose the synonym to the underlined word:
More than 70 countries took part in the International Conference in Geneva.
A)     participated; B) went; C) got together; D) took place; E) gathered
6. Choose the synonym to the underlined word:
They were handed their marriage certificates and we all congratulated them.
A)     offered; B) passed; C) given; D) taken; E) proposed
7) Choose the appropriate reply:
I can hardly remember 5 words at a time.
A) So can I; B) Neither do I; C) Nor we could; D) Neither can I; E) So am I
8) Complete the sentence:
Janet had a nice meal yesterday, ... .
A) her sister had too; B) so did her sister; C) I had too; D) so have I; E) I did so
9) Choose the right order to make up a story:
1. He read the letter;
2. One day a man came home;
3. He climbed up to the window and with great difficulty entered the room;
4. He saw that the door was locked;
5. On the dining room table he saw a letter for him;
6. «Dear John, I shall be home late. The key will be under the door.»
10) Can you give me ... to eat? I`m very hungry.

A) anything; B) nothing; C) what; D) someone; E) anybody
11) - Why does Kate always go round with Sue?
       - Because she doesn`t know ... .
A) nobody; B) nothing; C) someone; D) no one; E) anybody
12) Choose the antonym to the underlined word:
The entrance exams will be held here.
A) new; B) former; C) final; D) music; E) latest
13) He`s in his room but you ... bother him. He ... busy getting ready for his exams.
A) can`t / can be; B) mustn`t / has to be; C) should / might be; D) shouldn`t / may be
14) Everybody ... love their country. They ... be ready to defend it.
A) must/might; B) must/must; C) may/can; D) have to/has to; E) had to/was to
15) I can`t find my pen. I think I`ve lost ... . Could you lend me ... for a moment?
A) my/yours; B) mine/itself; C) it/one; D) mine/any; E) one/it
16) - Have you got ... books on this subject?
      - I am sorry, but there are ... .
A) some other/no other; B) any other/others; C) some others/no others;
D) any other/no other; E) any other/no others
17) «Did he come at midnight? » - she asked angrily.
She asked angrily ... at midnight.
A) whether he did come; B) if he had come; C) did he come;
D) whether he comes; E) if he has come
18) "I`ll come to the meeting", - Tom said to me. Tom promised me that ... come to the meeting.
A) I will; B) I would; C) he will; D) he would; E) if he would
19) John wasn`t happy about his last job, ...?
A) isn`t he; B) wasn`t he; C) doesn`t he; D) was he; E) didn`t he
20) Yesterday your parents had to speak to the principal, ... ?
A) had they; B) hadn`t they; C) do they; D) didn`t they; E) did they
21) - Don`t take that ball. It`s ... .
      - If that is ..., where is ...?
      - ... is over there on the grass.
A) her/hers/my/It; B) my/mine/yours/His; C) his/his/your/Yours
D) ours/ours/yours/Ours; E) mine/yours/mine/It
22) Here are two books. ... ... would you like?
A) Why/-; B) What/one; C) Whom/one; D) Which/one; E) When/one
23) We were almost ... when we saw her at the station.
A) as shocked; B) shocked; C) more shocked; D) less shocked; E) most shocked
24) Most towns in England are not ... than four hours apart by train and many are much ... .
A) more/few; B) more/fewer; C) the most/fewer; D) many/fewer; E) most/fewer
25) Oliver is ill, he ... a cold if he ... on a warm coat.
A) would not have caught/had put; B) wouldn`t catch/had put;
C) wouldn`t have caught/puts; D) will catch/had put; E) would catch/don`t put
26) If you want to enter a Higher Educational Establishment you should work very hard and acquire profound knowledge. It is rather difficult but you shouldn`t forget the proverb: « ... ».
A) Speech is silver but silence is gold; B) When it thunders the thief becomes honest;
C) First think, then speak; D) After death - the doctor; E) No sweet without some sweat.
27) It wasn`t as good as ... .
A) I would see something like that; B) I`d expected actually; C) every minute of it;

D) particularly well; E) see it again
