Задания по аудированию на тему "Ecological problems. Environmental Protection" для 9 курса КПКУ


The __________ growth of urbanization and industrialization causes a severe irrecoverable _________ to our environment and brings up countless social and ecological __________ that require immediate and effective _____________.  
The massive ___________ of rivers, lakes, seas and oceans and air, contamination of soils, ______________ of the ozone layer and deforestation is the _________ of man's careless interaction with nature, it`s a sign of deep the ecological __________.
Every day we ___________________ millions of tons of garbage: plastic, metal and chemical wastes will not _____________ for hundreds of years, they are utilized in soil permanently poisoning it, so people desperately need to use mostly biodegradable products and recycle our _____________.
Many __________ resources like coal, gas, oil and others are not renewable, so ___________ should necessarily switch to the ___________ of alternative sources of ___________.
Thousands of plant and animal ___________ are under constant threat of complete extinction, that`s why humans need to take __________ measures to preserve the wildlife in its natural __________ for the future generations.
Overpopulation control must be enforced by ______________ policy to avoid economic instability and to _________ adequate amount of ____________ consumption per year.
The oxygen ______________ in atmosphere in human habitats is broken by enormous exhaust fumes of millions of ______________ and causes innumerous health problems.
Because of global warming polar ________________, our planet`s largest natural water supply, are constantly ___________, rising sea level, and to stop this process we should stop burning fossil __________.
We have the _______________ potential, the money and even still ______________ time to make our planet a better, cleaner and safer place for living in _____________ with nature.

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 Our planet is home to millions of ______________ kinds of plant and animal species, which are linked in different ways. ____________, they make up the complex world of nature. _____________, co-habiting with humans brings up ecological problems. The most acute are pollution, acid rain, wildlife destruction, shortage of natural _____________ and global warming. These problems are interrelated as everything in the natural world depends on one another. These _____________ issues require urgent and effective solutions.  Wild plants and animals live in a particular set of _______________, called their habitat.
Nowadays people change habitats to suit their own needs - to create farmlands or build cities, for _________. They also destroy __________ habitats and while mining or by building roads.
 A lot of species - fish, reptiles, insects, birds, mammals - are ________________ rather rapidly. It’s reported that by 2030 25% of all animals, birds and insects may be _____________.
 All living organisms breathe in ____________, and breathe out carbon dioxide. We produce carbon dioxide when we ___________ things. Trees take this gas from the air, and __________ oxygen. But in the last few years, people have cut and burnt ____________ amount of rainforest.
Many plants in the world are known to be in ___________ or threatened with extinction. The world has over nine million square km. of ___________. Paper and cardboard are made from ________. Every year over 100000 square kilometres of forests are cleared for different uses, and a lot of forests are so badly damaged that they will hardly be able to ___________.
 Needless to say, that the main problem is the ____________ of air. A lot of people in our district have their own cars and a lot of ___________, especially transport ones, use thousands of lorries in their work. These transport facilities carry loads and passengers from one ____________ to another and at the same time do a lot of damage to nature. The car exhaust fumes mix with air and we have to inspire this ___________ mixture. I am terribly upset that lately the number of cars and garages in our yards has increased enormously but I suppose that it would be better to __________ to the usage of another transport, to move the garages to the suburbs or to arrange days of pedestrian and cyclist _________ if we really want to clear the air around us.
 In my home town in several districts there are some heat stations and they also ___________ the condition of the air around.
 Acid rain falls when _____________ gases from power stations and vehicles mix with oxygen and moisture in the air.  Acid rain poisons or kills wildlife in lakes, rivers, and forests, and ___________ the surrounding plant life. The problem could be ____________ by reducing vehicle emissions and limiting the gases released from ___________ stations.
 World ______________ are currently rising every year. This phenomenon is called global __________. As the planet warms up, the water in the ___________ will take up more space and water from glaciers and the polar ice caps will start to melt. This could cause sea levels to rise and many habitats will disappear under water.
 The _________ of global warming is attributed to the greenhouse effect. It works in the following way - sunlight gives us heat which warms the ____________. Some of the heat returns into _________. ______________ the air surrounding the earth has become much warmer because the heat can't go back into space. That's why winter and summer temperatures in many places have ___________ higher.
 Summing ______________ up, the climate in different parts of the world changes every year. These changes can be dangerous for our planet which needs immediate ____________. The measures to be taken _____________ limitations for cutting rainforests and poisonous gas emissions as well as personal ecology of humans.
 ________ are taking only the initial eco-steps to protect nature, to save life on the planet not only for the sake of the present but also for the _________        ________________.

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