Collocations for Russian State Exam

unsafe attempt
nearly dead
secret information
feel insecure
actually wrong
personal attitude
easier way
right decision
powerful knowledge
European country
original idea
unexpected guest
recently added
variety of species
progressive method
require installation
take into consideration
downloadable file

cruel punishment
old building
Scottish habits
unfortunately not yet
immediate action
further development
solid foundation
vivid memories
loud excitement
numerous complaints
do my best
various difficulties
chewing gum
out of any usefulness
lifelong friendship
late meeting
unfamiliar with
kindly soul
numerous visitors
eccentric appearance
watched in amazement
popular attraction
slowly but surely
crazy zoologist
all done by themselves
unintelligent animals
especially for me
advanced level
private business
realize his potential
basic level
language studies
richness and wealth
charming people
Italian cook
Impossible mission
frozen account
see the difference
great ability
frequent winner
humorous speech
national disaster
twentieth day
younger folks
youth`s problems
absolutely excluded
occupied the chair
childless family
rare collection
widely spread
dedicated to his life
one of the outstanding
to gather together
couldn`t be worse
surrounded by the sea
suffered from grave disease
serious illness
unnatural behaviour
entertain ourselves
unbelievable length
funny occasion
famous cities
historic event
enjoyable holiday
slowly moving
convenient time
pouring rain
arrived on time
windier weather
majority of voices
reflected in the mirror
moved house
to restore default settings
grown in high humidity
carefully unpacked
first published in
breathless silence
exploration of new areas
qualified specialist
technological gap
wooden cottage
remarkable achievement  
was awarded
hundreds of reasons
exclusively for
garbage container
profitable bargain
put water into a freezer
impossible mission
memorable song
unidentified flying object
murder investigation
finally done with…
preparation courses
endless journey
frequently used
sudden discovery
insane scientist
accept no order
reasonable doubt
healthy way of life
disagree with you
feeling different
easily recovered from
harmful to environment
stressful situation
discontinued series
absolutely excluded
colourful parade
on a dangerous ground
painful surprise
noisy crowd
real disappointment
happened quickly
survived the shipwreck
to pass by without a word
didn`t mind my presence
taught him discipline
the biggest mistake
wearing a raincoat
invited to the party
gained popularity
unfair/foul play
skillful/skilled mariner
compulsory education
test successfully completed
reacted immediately
previous owner
approve her proposal
unemployment benefit
fed up with their promises
professional response
creative approach to
signed all papers
false sign
wanted to become
letting her go
check your answers
weird imagination
camping equipment
impressive amount of
luckily for somebody
not able to resist
caught her sight in a mirror
carry boring duties
understood everything
fantastic musician
flight was delayed
never heard of it
bought too much
unforgettable vacation
repeated regularly
initially he was alone
to enter the competition
world championship
dreaming about treasure
jumping over the fence
he was taken abroad
foggy dawn
navigate to a specific location
historians should know
found in a dessert
reasonable argument
wealthy family
similar conclusion
thousands of flies
blowing dry leaves
swimming pool is being heated

